Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thought's on Undertaker/HHH, Rock/Cena/Miz on Raw (03/28)

I really enjoyed the Undertaker/Triple H face-off. When the Undertaker's Bell sound interrupted H's in-ring entrance, I knew IT was on!
They both made some great points about each other. What I love about Pro wrestling (and this is the Mark in me!) is when they incorporate a Shoot into a Work.

Triple H said the he and Shawn Michaels would let one another know when the other was "through" and that HHH sees that time is now for the Undertaker.
It is well known that 'Taker is beat up. His knee and shoulder problems have been documented. He takes off months at a time each year to heal up.

Which, as I have questioned before, leads me to wonder: is his time up? Will the streak end at Wrestlemania 27?

I hate to admit it, but I did not even think about the possibility of Michaels appearing on Raw and giving his thoughts about the match.

When HHH asked Shawn to tell 'Taker why he will end The streak on Sunday, and Shawn just walked out of the ring, well, it definitely had me wondering what the outcome will be.

Marks know that Triple H is Vince McMahon's son-in-law and that he also has considerable "pull" in the company.

Will he allow himself to lose in what will be the match that ends Wrestlemania? Will he do what's good for the company instead of looking out for himself?

I think the answer is yes to both of those questions. The streak is huge in the WWE, and I think they want 'Taker to retire 20-0.

The Rock/Cena/Miz showdown did not disappoint. While I am a fan of Cena, I thought some of his remarks in defending himself were a bit corny.
The Rock was hyped up. You could tell even before he made his way into the ring. This story-line is simply masterful, and I truly hate to see it end.

I could not predict that it would get physical, even though Rock did indeed promise that.

Seeing the Rock "Layeth the smacketh down!" was a joy to see. It has been far too long.

I was afraid that the Miz, in Miz fashion, would run away before getting his due. I was glad to see that was not the case. I couldn't have been happier seeing him on the receiving end of the People's Elbow!

What happened after that, I truly did not expect. When Cena had the Rock in position to deliver the Attitude Adjustment, I expected Rock to make his way out of it.
I and many of the fans who witnessed it, I'm sure, were shocked to see Cena deliver the AA to the Rock.

But what does this mean? By having the "nerve" to attack the Rock; will this lead to a heel turn for Cean? I doubt it, but the first time we see Cena, the boos will be deafening.

And what will the Rock do in retaliation? Will he indeed interfere in the WWE tile match between the Miz and Cena?

It would be easy to speculate that he will interfere and cost Cena the chance to win the title.
This could be the major swerve that I had previously mentioned could happen.

I mean, prior to Monday, every fan "knew" that Cena would win back the title at 'Mania. Miz had his run, but now it's Cena's turn.

And by causing Cena to lose, this would continue the Rock/Cena rivalry.

And maybe, just maybe, we will see the Rock VS John Cena some day!

I don't know what the history is of having two world champions crowned at 'Mania. It just doesn't seem likely.

But I'll stick with my prediction that Cena will win the WWE title and Del Rio will become the new World Heavyweight champion.

But that's the beauty of Wrestlemania: you know a swerve is coming, you're just not sure which one!


  1. "While I am a fan of Cena, I thought some of his remarks in defending himself were a bit corny." lol, he was always corny, you were just blinded 'cause -->you couldn't see him. :D

    Well, I'm sure you saw how Chicago felt about Cena, so I'll just say that my opinion does not differ.

  2. LOL
    Cena definitely is a polarizing figure. I know throughout wrestling there have been Faces that have been hated and Heels who have been loved, but I can't say I've ever seen a wrestler divide fans such as him.

    Don't worry, we'll save room on the Cena bandwagon for ya!!

    Thanks for commenting.
