Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Predictions for Wrestlemania 27

Wrestlemania is 18 days away, and even though the card is not very strong, I am very excited to see it.

When I say it's not very strong, don't get me wrong, there is potential for some great matches, but there is no HBK/Undertaker type dream match.

The reason I'm looking forward to it, two words: The Rock.

They (WWE Creative, whoever) knew that they would not have a strong card, so they had to to get someone to create some buzz, someone huge.

There is no better than the Rock.

While not the best technical wrestler, on the mic, there is no better and that is why they brought him back.

Watching him on Raw the past few weeks, I feel like a kid at christmas. Hell, at times I'm downright giddy.

Ok, enough of my man-crush. Let's get to my predictions.

Undertaker vs Triple H

I don't see how this can possibly match the last two Undertaker/HBK matches, but
it definitely has potential to be a great match.

I remember when Batista started his feud with Undertaker, I didn't think that would be a very entertaining match, but I was dead wrong.
I believe he can just about wrestle anyone, and take their game to a new level.
Those were, IMO, some great matches.

So too this match with Triple H. HHH has been away for some time, but I think the intensity will be high.

Rumors are that Undertaker will walk away from wrestling 20-0 this time next year.
But, I have read that he is really beat up.

That being said I still see Undertaker winning this match.

The Miz vs John Cena for the WWE title

Personally, I don't like the Miz, but he is a great heel. I mean, people seem to really hate him.

It would seem obvious that Cena would win this match, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a swerve, and Miz retained his title.

But I predict Cena will win.

I know Cena has as many detractors as he does fans, if not more, but I have always liked him.
Even when he was heel, which was short lived.

Edge vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Title

First off, I am a huge Del Rio fan. I think this guy will be huge. Not that that is stepping out on a limb, as he was previous known as Dos Caras Jr, he was a very successful wrestler in Mexico and Japan.

I think this match will end up being a triple threat match with Christian being the third opponent.

My thinking is why else would they continually have Christian "save" Edge over the last month in his dealings with Del Rio?

I think there will be a "mistake" in the match involving Edge and Christian with Del Rio taking advantage of it and becoming the new World Heavyweight Champion.

This then will start a feud with Edge and Christian.

Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler with special guest referee Stone Cold Steve Austin

Jerry wins this match. Stone Cold stuns Jack Swagger (who will be in Cole's corner) and I'm sure he'll stun Cole also.

Randy Orton vs CM Punk

For me this will be one of my most anticipated matches (behind Edge/Del Rio/Christian(?)

CM Punk is a great asset to the WWE. He is probably THE best heel, but also can be a great babyface.

I want CM Punk to win, but see Orton winning this match.

I don't care about the mixed tag match involving Snooki(!), but I do look forward to seeing Trish Stratus back in the ring.
Trish and company win this match.

Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes

As far as technical wrestling goes, this could be a great match, I'm just not feeling it.
I have to admit, I haven't really been following this story-line, so maybe it's just me.

Rey wins.

I'm not sure what role the Rock will have in the Cena/Miz match.

I do not think he will interfere in anyway, but he has to have an interaction with one or both of them.

If Cena does win, I think the Rock might have an altercation with the Miz.

I don't see him overshadowing Cena's win by having words with Cena.

Perhaps Cena wins, celebrates in the ring, than leaves. Leaving Miz in the ring with the Rock.

People's Elbow later to Miz, crowd goes wild, 'Mania ends.

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