Monday, March 14, 2011

Jeff Hardy incident at Victory Road

As many now know, Jeff Hardy was in no condition to wrestle at TNA's Victory Road PPV Sunday night.
While nothing is official (TNA of course won't come out and say this) that was the reason for the short title match.

My question is why did TNA allow this? They obviously knew what his condition was before the match began.

Acquiring Jeff Hardy after he left WWE was a major coup for TNA. But this (according to reports) was not the first time Hardy was in poor condition.

Is TNA so starved for major talent that they will turn a blind eye to a dangerous precedent such as this?

TNA should be above this. They have the talent on their roster, they just have to believe in it and let their story-lines play out.

They shouldn't let Jeff Hardy ruin the time and effort they have put forth into their organization.

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