Monday, August 15, 2011

SummerSlam recap

The Cena/Punk match was not on par with their Money In the Bank Match, but a very good match none the less.
I liked how both Cena and Punk doubted Triple H's fairness as a ref after both had near three counts on each other.
Very cool of Punk to use Randy Savage's Flying Elbow drop off of the top rope.
Randy Savage chants fill the arena.

Punk wins the match though Cena's foot is on the bottom rope. I had predicted that Triple H would inadvertently screw over Punk, I had the wrong guy!

Possible Heel turn for Cena? Wait for!

Out of nowhere comes out...Kevin Nash?!?!
Power bombs Punk and leaves.

Now at this time I would have expected Del Rio to come out, but I was still shocked at the Kevin Nash swerve.
Also, Del Rio had twice before attempted to cash in his MITB contract, but didn't go through with it.
So I thought this will continue on Monday Night Raw.

Wrong! Out come Del Rio, quick kick to the head, and he finally achieves his destiny!

Historic match that will not long be forgotten.

Can't wait to see what happens on Raw tonight.

The World Heavyweight title match between Christian and Randy Orton was, as was their other matches, a great match.
It was great to see Edge back in the ring. You knew he wouldn't physically get involved in the match, but calling out Christian for his past actions was brilliant.
Though it seems this is the end of the Orton/Christian program, Christian has proven that he belongs in the main event.
Heel or Face, the fans get behind him.

The six-man tag match had some very good spots in it. John Morrison never fails to deliver an "Oh my god" moment. You have to wonder though how will the WWE keep the momentum going with R Truth and the Miz now that they are not headlining.
They are too good to be stuck mid-carding.
It was a good way to get some deserving superstars onto the SummerSlam card.

I did not think much of the Divas Championship match. It seemed to me that they were pushing Kelly Kelly hard on us.
Having her show off some new moves, and really taking it (for her anyway) to Beth Phoenix.
She still had some botches during her match with Phoenix.
It's as if WWE creative has heard the fans wish that they push the Divas division, and more so, the women wrestlers that can actually wrestle, but they will continue with models-turned-wrestlers and that's all there is to it.

I didn't expect a clean finish in the Sheamus/Mark Henry match. It looks like they will continue with this program for a while and I have no problem with that.
I expect, when it does come to it's conclusion, that Sheamus will continue to get his major push as an up-and-coming baby face superstar.

The Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett match was, in my opinion, the best match of the night.
These two are destined for greatness in the very near future.
It's well known that Bryan was a very technical wrester in the independent circuit, and it's great to see the WWE push him as such.
He has shown that he can have a great match with anyone.
Wade Barrett has all the "tools" as they say, though I am not a fan of his finisher.
I hope they continue this feud.

I loved the R Truth/Jimmy Hart backstage segment.
I knew a "little Jimmy" comment was coming, just didn't know how they would work it in.

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