Saturday, August 13, 2011

SummerSlam predictions

Divas Champion Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix

I expect (and would hope) Phoenix wins the Diva Championship. The Diva division is pretty week, and to have Kelly Kelly as champion is a disgrace to real women wrestlers (as apposed to former models who now wrestle.)

Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett

Bryan is well known for his time on the independent circuit, and Barrett, for a second, had a huge push.
Should be a good match, and I don't see Bryan losing cleanly.
I could see them continuing this feud for a bit.
Barrett cheats to win.

Sheamus vs. Mark Henry

Looking forward to this match. I love what they are doing with Henry. He is truly a monster heel.
I've been a fan of Sheamus since he came into the WWE.
Thought he was a great heel. Very good on the mic, and has a lot of talent.
I think he can be a very effective face too.
I don't see a clean winner in this match either.
that would kill all the momentum that both of them have.

Sheamus by DQ.

World Heavyweight Champion Christian vs. Randy Orton (No Holds Barred Match)

This is a great feud and all of their matches have been high caliber.
I don't really know what to expect out of this match, but I think Christian will retain his title.

John Cena vs. CM Punk (Undisputed WWE Championship Match with special guest referee Triple H

Another fantastic feud. Fans love to hate Cena, and CM Punk is being crowned the new Stone Cold.
It seems fairly obvious that Triple H will somehow screw Punk out of the WWE Championship.
Punk referred to Triple H as a dufus in his now legendary promo, so one would assume The Game will be out to get Punk.

We all know WWE loves a swerve or two, so I don't expect that to happen...yet.

Might another WWE superstar, one with a famous eyebrow, interfere with this match?

The Rock has been dragged into this story-line, so it's not too hard to believe, but, again, don't see that happening.

I do see John Laurinaitis coming into play though. He tries to screw Punk, Triple H attempts to stop it but ends up costing Punk the tile inadvertently.

Thus continuing the Triple H/CM Punk push to Wrestlemania 28.

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