Monday, April 4, 2011

Thoughts on Wrestlemania 27

Not sure where to start, so I'll just jump right in. I was disappointed in Wrestlemania. There, I said it. And no, it wasn't because Cena lost!

I'll start with the opening match, the World Title match. First of all, why is this the opening match? I won't give them too much grief about this, because it was a different approach.
Having a title match to open the show is bold, and gets you pumped up right away.

While it was a good match, and had some very good spots, I just don't know why they booked the match the way they did.
I thought the Edge/Del Rio feud was a good one, and looked forward to where it headed next.

So why have Edge win? Was it just to have a swerve at 'Mania? A lot of fans thought (myself included) that somehow Edge would lose, and Christian would be the cause, intentionally or not.

I thought the way it ended was a bit of a waste, and very disappointed by it. Of course, I'm a big Del Rio fan, so that was to be expected.
I suppose they could have a rematch and somehow involve Christian again, and maybe it would end the way most thought it would.

But if that does happen, why wouldn't they have just done that at 'Mania?

I was also very disappointed that they did not have Sheamus defend his title against Daniel Bryan. I thought this could have been a very good match.

Which leads me to the King/Cole match. All I can say is WTF?

This match was terrible. It went on way too long, and again, why did they end it the way they did? To have the "anonymous" GM reverse the decision: why?

I wanted this feud to end. It was entertaining at first, but quickly got long in the tooth.

They could have cut this match in half (or more so) and had the Sheamus/Bryan match instead.

The Mysterio/Rhodes match was solid. Did not predict that Cody would win the match.

CM Punk vs Orton was a great match. Easily the second best match of the night behind Taker/HHH.
Punk brutalized Orton throughout the match. He was vicious.

The ending was great. Though I wanted CM Punk to win, I was not disappointed.

Not going to waste my time talking about the Corre/Show/Kane etc match.

All I'll say about the mixed tag match is that I was shocked to see Snooki pull off that tumbling(?) move. I expected her to botch it.

The Undertaker/HHH match stole the show for me.
They both gave everything they had, when HHH used Takers finisher, I thought the Streak was over.

Even when Taker had Triple H in his submission move, I thought Trips might power his was out of it.
They had me going the entire match as far as who would end up on top.

Being a Cena fan, and more importantly NOT a fan of the Miz, I was disappointed Cena did not win. That combined with the World Title match and the abysmal King/Cole match, I was pretty PO'd by the time 'Mania ended.

I thought the Rock would confront Cena, but I didn't think he would cost him the title. I know, I should have seen that coming.

It will be ineresting to see what happens next with Rock/Cena/Miz. Raw should be electric tonight.

Apparently this was the first Wrestlemania ever that a title did not change hands. I hope that does not become a trend.

The Rock was phenomenal as always, and saved 'Mania for me.

Time to get ready for Raw.


  1. OMG "They could have cut this match in half (or more so) and had the Sheamus/Bryan match instead." NO KIDDING! And this too, "I wanted this feud to end. It was entertaining at first, but quickly go long in the tooth." Completely agree! And all for a DQ? Really, WTF?!

    As I've posted somewhere on the internet... The Snooki move was expected. All whores can do acrobatics. :D I had hoped she'd slip and break her neck tho.

    I'm happy with the Rock/Cena/Miz outcome. It was my prediction to the T.

    I was mad that ABRrrrrr didn't win and I felt absolutely slapped in the face when Edge messed up his car. Are you kidding me? Where does WWE get off ruining a 100k car for "entertainment"? Oh that's right, they're jacking us for $60 per each PPV. SMH BOOOO

    Anyways, good take on 27. Sorry for ur Cena. :D

  2. I was pissed that Del Rio didn't win. That was the most disappointing part of WM for me.
    I mean, not only can he actually wrestle, but he's great on the mic. To me he has "it".
    Hopefully they won't bury him now in mid-card matches.

    The price they charge is ridiculous. At one time, not too many years ago, I'd get like every other PPV.
    Now I only get the Royal Rumble and WM and on occasion SummerSlam.

    Cenation will bounce back!!!
